Home Install supplemental pack on a running Xenserver 6.5

Install supplemental pack on a running Xenserver 6.5

Now I will show you how you easily can install a supplemental pack on a running XenServer.

To make sure that you get the most out of your Xenserver 6.5 SP1 you should install the Container management supplemental pack so you can use Docker in you xenserver pool.

Requirements to follow this blog post is a updated Xenserver 6.5 with SP1
I have XenServer version 6.5 with SP1 that I patched automagically with a script xs_patcher that script has a little drawback and that’s because you need to manually add new availible patches to the script. You should perhaps test this script instead citrix xenserver patcher I haven’t tested in on xenserver 6.5.

Each supplemental pack contains an installation script. To install a pack on a XenServer host, copy it to the host
and run the script:
mkdir /tmp/iso
mount -o loop XenServer-6.5.0-SP1-xscontainer.iso /tmp/iso
cd /tmp/iso
umount /tmp/iso


is the name of the ISO file containing the pack.
Of course, it is also possible to burn the ISO to physical media, and install from there
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